Sorry for not really posting lately. Things have been crazy busy! Just to catch you up, we bought a house! I'll have to post pictures later but I'll just tell you that our house is awesome! Can't wait to have our little one running around in it (I'm sure I'll take back that comment later). So between buying a house, moving, and unpacking, I haven't been the best at documenting my pregnancy. I'm sure everyone's dying for some belly pictures so I will make you wait no longer...
17 weeks! |
23 weeks! |
Baby girl is definitely growing! I'm not feeling huge yet but I'm getting there. We had another ultrasound at 20 weeks and she was moving around a lot! It was really exciting to see her so active! It confirmed that it's definitely a girl! At the beginning of the ultrasound she was in the right position for us to confirm that. Then right after she crossed her legs like a good modest girl! It was hilarious and adorable! Everything looked normal in the ultrasound so that is great news!
I thought I would give a recap of how pregnancy has been for me. It hasn't always been the easiest but it's been exciting nonetheless. During my first trimester I didn't get too nauseous but I definitely had the chills. They would come more at night and were definitely tough to deal with seeing as this was the coldest winter in pretty much forever! The chills are normal with pregnancy though. It's actually more common to have hot flashes but chills are not uncommon. I was also super tired, another normal pregnancy symptom! I'd come home from work, put together dinner, and then crash at around 8:30. Jonathan did many dishes early on in my pregnancy haha. I couldn't believe how tired I was all the time. Growing a human being really is hard work! Nausea wasn't too bad for me early in my pregnancy but really ramped up at the end of my first trimester/beginning of second trimester. It wasn't really subsiding like you'd expect it to during the second trimester. Luckily my doctor had a few over the counter suggestions that helped a lot! I'm happy to report that I'm now feeling mostly normal and have been able to be productive and do things again! I'm not the type of person who just lays around so it was a bit difficult for a few months. Jonathan was the most supportive husband though. He would say all the right things when I was feeling bad and took care of everything while I spent a lot of time on the couch! Lately my main pregnancy symptom has been headaches. According to my doctor this is caused by all the hormones going through my body. Headaches are a nuisance but they are much easier to deal with! I also have another great symptom to report: kicks!!! It took me awhile to realize that I was feeling kicks as opposed to gas bubbles. They surprisingly feel very similar. It's really exciting to feel her move around! She goes crazy sometimes! Jonathan is really anxious to feel her too. He's tried but I think she's too small still for others to feel her. Well I think that gets me up to date with how she and I are doing. I'll be back soon with pictures of our new house!