This weekend was a great, lazy weekend with lots of hanging out with friends. Oh yea, and the torrential downpour that happened yesterday.... We started off our weekend by going out for crawfish with friends. Jonathan and I hadn't had crawfish in at least two years since last year we were pretty busy around this time with the whole getting married thing. We wanted to make sure we didn't miss it again this year. I tend to avoid going out to a restaurant for crawfish. To me, a crawfish boil is the most fun if it's in someone's backyard with tons of people just chatting, drinking beer and eating as much crawfish as possible. If you've never had crawfish before it's kind of a lot of work because you have to break off the tail, peel the shell, and then you're left with a fairly small amount of meat to eat. Some people don't think it's worth it but I think they're delicious! Plus, I love that it makes for a very social event. You're spending more time peeling than eating so there's lots of time for good conversation! So anyways, I have been lucky enough to have been invited to many a crawfish boil but I didn't want to take any chances missing out this year. (Although, I won't turn down an invitation if any friends are reading this!) I was looking up which are good places to get crawfish in Houston and to my surprise there were tons of websites on this. Take this one for
instance! We decided to go to Woodrow's in the Heights and it was great! We even got a group of 7 of us to go which made me impressed since we planned this the day before haha. We had a great time and ate as many crawfish as we could!
They're cute and tasty! |
Colleen planned on eating then with fork and knife apparently, good luck with that... |
That's 5lbs of crawfish. We ordered 12 in total. You can eat more of those suckers than you think! |
Colleen made a friend! |
Saturday morning we continued with the Louisiana cuisine without realizing it. We had a craving for Beignets and headed to Crescent City Beignets. It had been years since I'd gone to a beignet place in Houston so I must have just had New Orleans on the brain. They were sooo good and I paired mine with a frozen mocha. Jonathan paired his with a chicory coffee which is more authentic. Chicory coffee is much more bitter than regular coffee which is supposed to pair well with the sweetness of the beignets. I don't like coffee without lots of sugar and milk anyways so chicory coffee isn't really for me. I also apparently overestimated how hungry I was because I didn't even finish 2 beignets and ordered 3 haha.
Have to layer on as much powdered sugar as possible! |
He ate most of his before I could take a picture haha. |
Sunday, Jonathan told me that he wanted to go to this new restaurant called "Maine-ly Sandwiches." If you recall, we went to Cape Cod for our honeymoon and became obsessed with lobster rolls while we were there. (Apparently Jonathan has been constantly googling for lobster rolls in Houston since our honeymoon because he's been that obsessed haha.) We were ecstatic to find a place that served them in Houston! It's pretty far north of Houston so we headed there right after church this morning. When we stepped into the place it was like we had gone back to New England! There were pictures and paraphernalia from Maine all over the place. I've never technically been to Maine but it reminded us so much of Cape Cod. The lobster rolls were spot on too! We both had ours with the clam chowder and they serve everything with salt water taffy. I highly recommend this place! They're very new so it's hard to find online but they're at 45 and West Rd.
I will definitely be ordering the half lobster roll because the whole was huge! |
I did not expect this weekend to be full of so much comfort food I never get to have but it was a blast! O yea and that whole torrential downpour that I mentioned...not quite as fun. Yesterday Colleen and I were out shopping when the sky opened up and it literally rained so hard that entire intersections flooded within minutes. It was pretty scary and we had to drive around some flooded roads but we made it back safely. Once it let up some we both headed home immediately and stayed in for the rest of the night. I was pretty exhausted so Jonathan and I spent the evening on the couch watching Bunheads and SNL. I later found out that the Rice area, which is where we were shopping, got 6 inches of rain. Crazy! We do really need rain but I think the ground was so dry from us being in a drought that it just couldn't take in the rain fast enough. Hopefully we'll continue to get rain but in normal amounts and without all the flooding! It seemed to make for a beautiful Sunday. Blue skies and lots of sunshine!
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