I know time flies with a kid but it's still crazy to type that Christine is 1 month old! She is such a precious baby and Jonathan and I have loved getting to know her more and more everyday. Let me see if I can try to capture all that is Christine in this little blog post. First of all, she's so beautiful. She gets more and more beautiful everyday, especially those huge brown eyes. She's getting stronger and stronger by the day. She can fully support her head and will even lift it for a minute or two while she looks around the room, and I do mean the whole room! She can support herself with her legs too. She will sometimes lock out her legs while I hold her up and she really does stand! Her arms are just as strong. She can push and pull with amazing strength. She is also amazingly sweet with her touch. When you hold her she cuddles into you and reaches out with her hands. When she's eating she usually reaches up and keeps her hand on my chest. I can already tell that she's a sweet caring girl. She's also really fun. She smiles all the time while she's falling asleep and makes the funniest faces. I can't wait for her to smile intentionally! She has started staring at our faces and things like the ceiling fan so I think her vision is coming in too. She has been more awake during the day and has even had a very successful tummy time! She seemed to love it and is very determined and motivated. She already looked like she was trying to roll over and could hold her head up while lying down. She is a great eater and we're going to start introducing a bottle soon. She definitely spits up quite a bit but it doesn't seem to bother her and it's not messing with her weight gain. She has the hiccups all the time but that also doesn't bother her at all. It's pretty hilarious when she's eating and has really strong hiccups. She keeps chugging away despite the fact the hiccups are making her jump. She's adorable when she sleeps. She sleeps on her back but turns her head. That helps with my nerves so I don't have to worry about her choking on her spit up. I have to admit though, I do sometimes still get up at night to check if she's breathing, haha. Oh, and didn't I mention that she's sleeping through the night?? She started doing that at about 3 weeks and her doctor said it's fine since she's been gaining weight well. Man do I consider us lucky! She often sleeps with her hands in front of her face, just like when she's eating. I think it's hilarious because it makes her look like she's working so hard. It's tough being a tiny baby! We may have a diva on our hands. We took our first family pictures and I love how they turned out! We got a small sample of them and will get them all this week. Christine was so well behaved and took some beautiful pictures!! She also took some with some funny faces. The photographer was trying to get her to stop and pose normally but we were happy for her to capture the funny faces. That's who she is and we were happy to capture her personality. We took pictures using two blankets made for Christine by our friends and made the pictures all that more beautiful!
Our family - Christine fits right in with us! |
This photo takes my breath away :-) |
Such a cutie! |
We celebrated by going out for dim sum with our parents and my grandmother who was in town to meet Christine. We toasted with our tea to 1 month with Christine and many months to come! I hope they don't fly by too quickly!!
-The three of us
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