Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cruisin' Mexico

So I'm wayyyy behind on what's been going on lately. We've usually super busy but it's risen to a whole other level. Don't worry, it just means that I have more to right about on this little blog! Well I'm currently in Covington, LA for a business trip so hopefully I'll have some free time in the evenings to catch you up on everything. So following the weekend of Karen and Evan's wedding we headed out for a cruise! The cruise started the day after Jonathan's birthday so it was partially to celebrate his 30th but it was also for a bachelorette party for one of our friends. Surprisingly, it's not the first bachelorette party that Jonathan's attended. The cruise was out of Galveston and we rode up to Galveston Saturday morning and met for lunch at The Spot before boarding the ship. The food was great and we all got pina coladas that came in a coconut! Yum!

We're on a boat!
Leaving Galveston!
We had a blast on the cruise. I loved looking out at the water, watching the stars at night, exploring the ship, and going to all the activities on board. We spent most of the afternoons finding a spot with a good view by the water while reading. It worked perfectly because I loved being outside in the sun while watching the water and Jonathan loved relaxing and reading.

We took some breaks to take pictures.
Cozumel was really fun. We decided not to do an excursion and to just explore the island and I'm glad we did. We shopped, checked out downtown, had real Mexican food, and took a quick trip to the beach. It's definitely a different world there. They're willing to bargain and sell anything. We were even at one shop and the owner had an old car that Jonathan complimented him on. The guy offered to rent the car to us! Definitely sketch but that's Mexico for ya. The beach was beautiful! The water was so blue and we could see little fish swimming around our feet. The water was pretty cold so we just pulled up a few beach chairs and sat in the water. It was kind of unreal how pretty it was. They also had all these games on the water: a trampoline, rock wall, slide, etc. Although we were too cold to venture out there I thought it looked awesome! Probably doesn't pass the safety codes in the US or else they'd be everywhere.

Land ho!
Jonathan's first time in Mexico!

Can you believe that water?!?!
The main plaza in downtown Cozumel.
Look how huge that mango margarita is! 
A historic Catholic church in downtown.

I'm obsessed with these doors!
We stopped for coffee at....
...which you can tell by the name, is purely Mexican lol.
The beach!
Look how fun!
The water is sooo clear! I was in heaven...
The last night of the cruise we threw a surprise bachelorette party for Katie. It went great and Katie's mom brought so many great decorations for the shower. Katie was totally surprised! Afterwards, we danced the night away, especially after hearing that we would be delayed in getting back to Galveston weren't getting in until noon.

The group at the bridal shower.
And finally, more pictures that I just wanted to throw in here...

The obligatory towel animal pictures!

and group photos:

Dinner on our last night!
All dressed up for formal night!
As you can tell, it was really fun. It was nice to go on a short trip and explore a new city. Traveling is definitely a favorite of ours. Sorry for the picture overload! I always take way too many pictures when we go on trips :-)

Check back soon on what else has been going on in our crazy lives!


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