Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Valentine's Day!

Last week was our first married Valentine's Day! I've never bought into Valentine's Day too much but we always like to do something. We made dinner together, opened a bottle of prosecco and watch a movie! I even made creme brulee! I had never made creme brulee but it's one of Jonathan's favorites so I decided to give it a try. It came out perfectly! I couldn't believe it! Of course then I discovered that our butane torch that we needed to do the brulee-ing had no butane in it. Oops! O well, that just meant that we had a second celebration the next day with another dinner, wine, and creme brulee!

We made prosciutto wrapped chicken with a side of kale!


Look how perfect! Just like from a restaurant!

And the rest of the weekend was nice and relaxing! We definitely needed it because this weekend we are off to London!!! We'll be there for about 2 weeks and then we come back and go directly to Austin for a wedding! Our lives get pretty crazy sometimes but we love it! See you when I get back! Of course when you hear from me next I'll be a world traveler and talking with a British accent!


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